Cancer Immunotherapy

Cancer Immunotherapy Specialist


Dr. Vikesh Shah, an esteemed Cancer Immunotherapy Specialist based in Ahmedabad, specializes in cutting-edge Personalized and Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy techniques. He earned his MBBS degree from Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, and completed his MD at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi.

With extensive experience in Cancer Immunotherapy, Dr. Vikesh Shah is dedicated to advancing treatment methodologies. Alongside his team, he actively conducts mass campaigns and outreach programs across the country to raise awareness and educate communities about the benefits of these innovative treatments.

Known for his humility and discipline, both personally and professionally, Dr. Vikesh Shah is deeply compassionate and has committed his life to combating cancer. He tirelessly strives to bring hope and healing to patients, encouraging broader societal participation in the fight against this formidable disease.

How it Works ?

Boosting Your Immune System to Fight Cancer

A personalised way to treat cancer

Programs patients own White blood cells into “Cancer Fighting cells.”

Targets only cancerous cells

Target and attacks only Tumorous/ cancerous cells without destroying healthy cells.

Effective in advance stages of cancer

Shows result when given/taken in advanced stages of cancer.

Works even when other treatments don't

Effective when other treatments such as Chemotherapy or Radiation no longer work.


Immunotherapy For Cancer

Immune system’s function is to identify and destroy any foreign pathogens (or) diseased cells from our body. Our body has numerous cells that build the tissues forming organs in our body, these cells also have the ability to divide and restore diseased tissues.

So when these cells divide, they may undergo mutation. Generally in healthy individuals, these mutated cells are first identified by their immune system and then they are destroyed and removed. But in some individuals, these mutated cells bypass our immune system and develop into a Cancerous tumor.

In personalized and targeted Immunotherapy, specialized immune cells are extracted from a patient’s blood. A personalized treatment is administered for each patient.

Immunotherapy For Cancer

Immune system’s function is to identify and destroy any foreign pathogens (or) diseased cells from our body. Our body has numerous cells that build the tissues forming organs in our body, these cells also have the ability to divide and restore diseased tissues.

So when these cells divide, they may undergo mutation. Generally in healthy individuals, these mutated cells are first identified by their immune system and then they are destroyed and removed. But in some individuals, these mutated cells bypass our immune system and develop into a Cancerous tumor.

In personalized and targeted Immunotherapy, specialized immune cells are extracted from a patient’s blood. A personalized treatment is administered for each patient.

Immunotherapy For Cancer

Immune system’s function is to identify and destroy any foreign pathogens (or) diseased cells from our body. Our body has numerous cells that build the tissues forming organs in our body, these cells also have the ability to divide and restore diseased tissues.

So when these cells divide, they may undergo mutation. Generally in healthy individuals, these mutated cells are first identified by their immune system and then they are destroyed and removed. But in some individuals, these mutated cells bypass our immune system and develop into a Cancerous tumor.

In personalized and targeted Immunotherapy, specialized immune cells are extracted from a patient’s blood. A personalized treatment is administered for each patient.

Get better with Cancer Immunotherapy

"Our vision is to create a world where every cancer patient gets the treatment that provides the greatest hope of success".

A breakthrough treatment for all types of cancer

Get state-of-the-art Cancer Care & Treatment for all types of cancer.
Bladder Cancer
Brain Cancer (brain tumour)
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Colorectal (Colon) Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer
Kidney Cancer
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Skin Cancer

A breakthrough treatment for all types of cancer

Get state-of-the-art Cancer Care & Treatment for all types of cancer.
Bladder Cancer
Brain Cancer (brain tumour)
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Ovarian Cance
Colorectal (Colon) Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer
Kidney Cance
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Skin Cancer

What is Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy can be explained as a breakthrough treatment that deploys the human body’s defense system in order to combat diseases, especially cancers. While chemotherapy kills tumor cells directly, immunotherapy amplifies the power of the immune system to more effectively identify and destroy cancerous cells.

The immune system, by nature, is supposed to be involved in the battle against intrusive entities, such as viruses. In the case of cancer cells, these cells often find a way to escape detection or suppress the immune response so that they are allowed to grow unchecked. Immunotherapy simply enhances the immune system to do a better job of fighting against the cancer or to be better at helping to destroy the cancer cells.

There is a wide range of forms for immunotherapy, with two of the most popular relying on checkpoint inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies. Checkpoint inhibitors work like switches that allow turning on a system of immune cells to attach to a cancerous growth. The monoclonal antibodies guide the immune system to the places in the body where there are accumulations of cancer cells, due to which it is allowed to attack directly.

This treatment specifically targets each patient’s unique diagnosis of cancer. It is one treatment that is more focused and tailored than in the past. Successes with the use of immunotherapy in treating a range of different cancers bring new hope to those suffering. And with ongoing research and clinical trials, its effectiveness continues to be whittled and its use expanded to treat more cancers.

What really set immunotherapy apart from other forms was actually harnessing natural defenses of the immune system. This, nonetheless, has permitted immunotherapy to emerge as a promising option in cancer treatment by harnessing and enhancing defenses of the immune system. As research continues to evolve, it is expected to be even more helpful to even greater numbers and further enhance outcomes across various forms of cancers.

How does immunotherapy cater to advanced-stage cancers where conventional treatments may be less effective?

Immunotherapy has become especially valuable in treating advanced-stage cancers for which conventional treatments, including chemotherapy, are less effective. During the later stages of disease development, cancer often becomes more aggressive, grows at a much faster rate, and develops resistance to traditional forms of treatment. It also becomes difficult to handle the disease.

This is where immunotherapy comes in. Instead of directly attacking the cancer cells, immunotherapy arms the body’s immune system to make it fight. The immune system can be visualized as a budding army of soldiers, wherein immunotherapy trains these soldiers to recognize and kill cells that would otherwise appear normal and get through undetected.

The main advantages of immunotherapy are that it looks out for the body’s innate fight against cancer, rather than merely appearing for external treatments alone. This approach brings about an immune response against cancer cells by marshaling specific antibodies against them, tagging them for elimination. This allows for a much more precise and effective treatment that targets the cancer and, more importantly, the patient’s immune system.

Though still in research and development, the unofficial promise of immunotherapy to improve outcomes in advanced cancer patients, and new clinical trials and studies make this mode of treatment day by day more effective. Results give a new ray of hope to patients diagnosed with difficult-to-treat cancers. Immunotherapy brings hope for their good health in the late stages when other methods no longer function.

Immunotherapy represents a whole new frontier in the treatment of advanced cancers. This modality therefore offers a unique and formidable alternative for such patients with aggressive diseases by fortifying and guiding the immune system. The future does look bright; further research is likely to make immunotherapy extend survival and improve the quality of life in many cancer patients.

Get better with Cancer Immunotherapy

"Our vision is to create a world where every cancer patient gets the treatment that provides the greatest hope of success".